
Welcome to my site! I have an occasionally updated blog, and a few tools linked in the menu above. I mostly use this website as a playground and a tool for my own uses. Thanks for stopping by!

About Me

brad200I am a Christian, a Husband, and a Father. I work as a Web Application Developer at CoNetrix in Lubbock, TX. My previous experience is in general IT, and even had the title of CIO, but I am very pleased to pursue my long-term career goals in web development. I’m a technology expert in programming, web design, networking, hardware, Linux, and Microsoft Windows.

In politics, I would choose a government that is humble (politicians are there to serve), honest (don’t make decisions that have to be hidden or disguised), prudent (sometimes the here and now is not always the most important), and frugal (stop wasteful spending).

Spiritual Disclaimer

As a Christians, we are told to ask, seek, and knock. I’m seeking God, and my written articles show my current understanding, but they may change within months. If you feel like my opinions are wrong, come with love and truth, not out of self-righteousness. We should all be seeking, and even if you are 80 years old, if you think you know it all and have a perfect spiritual walk, I would say you are wrong. But, you may be closer in some areas than I am, so please comment on my articles with your understanding.

I’m an imperfect person seeking the perfect God.